Bash script to clean Bots out of Apache Logs

If you've ever spent some time looking at webserver logs, you know how much crap there is in there from crawlers, bots, indexers, and all the bottom feeders of the internet. If you're looking for a specific problem with the webserver, this stuff can quickly become a nuisance, stopping you from finding the information you … Read more

Turning off ipV6 in Ubuntu 16

My home router doesn't handle IPv6, and for that matter, neither does my ISP, so I get a lot of IPv6 related garbage in my syslog and kern.log. To turn it off, you need to create a new file, rather than editing a system file, and then reload these settings. sudo nano /etc/sysctl.d/95-disable-ipv6.conf #add the … Read more

Secret WordPress Options Page

OK, so maybe its not a complete secret, but after around 10 years of running WordPress I only just found out about it. Here it is. After you've logged in as admin, go to the following URL. i.e. type options.php into the URL of your site: Obviously you have to be logged in as admin. … Read more