I'd set up a grafana server to collect some metrics from a few servers, and as part of that I wanted to get some Mysql data from a couple of them. Easy right? So on the first server I logged into mysql and set up a user for this:
General IT
Troubleshooting postfix using bcc to local user
After routing mail through postfix to an external relay server (in this case gmail's smtp relay), all the mail from a server was routing correctly. Except after a couple of days I noticed a couple of strange bounces. Authentication at the gmail end was by IP address and domain, so any address [email protected] could be used to send email. But these were coming from [email protected] so were being rejected with a helpful message by gmail.
The IP address you've 550-5.7.1 registered in your G Suite SMTP Relay service doesn't match domain of 550-5.7.1 the account this email is being sent from. If you are trying to relay 550-5.7.1 mail from a domain that isn't registered under your G Suite account 550-5.7.1 or has empty envelope-from, you must configure your mail server 550-5.7.1 either to use SMTP AUTH to identify the sending domain or to present 550-5.7.1 one of your domain names in the HELO or EHLO command. For more 550-5.7.1 information, please visit 550 5.7.1 https://support.google.com/a/answer/6140680
Pretty helpful as messages go. Less helpful was the fact that there were several websites on the server and a couple of other apps, and I didn't have access to the admin panels of any of them. The mails, once bounced, were removed from postfix's queue, never to be seen again. Time for some detective work.
Migrating from Notecase to CherryTree
So I have a few documents which started life in TreePad. Then about 8 years ago I migrated them to Notecase, for reasons I don't remember. I hadn't opened them for a few months, but when I opened one in Notecase last week, I found out that they'd removed the everlasting Trial mode and they … Read more
RTL8188 adapter upgrade hell
On my desktop I've been running Linux Mint for the last few years, and have always done the distro upgrade-in-place. This time I tried it and there were too many errors — the upgrade tool wanted to remove around 50 apps, disable all my repos, and generally mess around with my system in too many ways, so I opted to go the "wipe and install fresh" route. My reasoning was also that after 6 years of upgrades, there were probably a few extra files on there, that I didn't need ( a mysterious 3 Gb in the flatpak directory for eg), and I'd messed around with the system config a few times over the time — pipewire, different DNS resolvers etc — so a fresh install would be a good thing. And it was, but for one nightmare: my RTL8188 adapter.
Digital Ocean spaces vs restic
Very easy answer to a problem that's probably had you cursing for ages. When you set up a DO Spaces instance, you get a URL like https://myspace.eur3.digitaloceanspaces.com/, where eur3 is the datacenter you're in and myspace is the space name you supplied. So you just take that and append s3: to it in your restic … Read more